Welcome to Texas Handgun License Online. This is the Official Texas License to Carry Course. Upon completion of this online course, you will receive your LTC-104 training certificate for your
The course is designed in modules and must include:
Module 1 - Laws that relate to weapons and to the use of deadly force
Module 2 - Handgun use and safety, including use of restraint holsters and methods to ensure the secure carrying of openly carried handguns
Module 3 - Non violent dispute resolution
Module 4 - Proper storage practices for handguns with an emphasis on storage practices that eliminate the possibility of accidental injury to a child
Student Written Examination
• You will be given the current DPS LTC student test online and must complete the test independently. Once you finish Module 4 and begin the online exam, you will not be allowed to return to any Module and research answers to questions.
• A passing score of 70% is required for the written examination. You will receive an Online/Handgun Proficiency certificate (LTC 104) from us to bring to a qualified handgun license instructor to complete the handgun proficiency demonstration. Certificates are processed and returned by email within 24 hours Monday thru Friday.
• The proficiency demonstration must be conducted by a qualified Texas LTC Instructor using the current course of fire, as determined by the Department of Public Safety.
Captain Danny Walker is a certified under Texas GC 411.188 and GC 411.190 to administer the LTC Online Course. This online course provides classroom instruction only. Your firearms qualification is separate. This is the Official Texas License to Carry Online Course.
We pride ourselves in taking the time to teach each student the skills necessary to operate a weapon system. Our classes are Christ centered. Just as one should be a warrior for Christ, one should prepare against the evils of our world. We hold our LTC and other classes in Beaumont Texas. If you are a Certified Peace Officer or have just acquired or thinking about getting you Carry Permit and enhancing your skills, the courses we offer are for you. Give us a call, we will train you. Matthew 5:9 Coram Deo
Materials used in connection with this course are subject to copyright protection and belong exclusively to DGW Holdings, LLC. Materials include, but are not limited to: documents, slides, images, audio, and video. Materials in this course Web site are only for the use of students enrolled in this course, for purposes associated with this course, and may not be retained for longer than the class term. Unauthorized copy of computer code, course material, retention, duplication, distribution, or modification of copyrighted materials is strictly prohibited by law.
Step 1
Register and Take the Course
The cost for this course is $59.00 plus a 3.00 handling fee. You must register and make payment first with a credit card. Once payment is made, you must complete the 4 instructional modules and answer the quizzes before you take the final exam.Step 2
Pass the Certificate Exam
Once all modules are complete, you must pass the brief written exam online with a minimum of 70% and your LTC-104 certificate will be Emailed to you. This is the required document to submit to the State of Texas along with your application in order to receive your License to Carry Permit. In order to complete the process, you must take your LTC-104 to a certified State of Texas LTC Instructor to complete the firearms portion of the course. Click "Find a LTC Instructor" at the top of the page to find an instructor in your area.Step 3
Contact Us or an LTC Instructor in your Area
After you secure your LTC-104 document, you must first contact a Texas DPS Certified LTC Instructor and complete the Firearms Proficiency prior to submission to the State. In order to complete the process, pass the firearms portion of the course with a minimum score of 175. Click "Find a LTC Instructor" at the top of the page to find an instructor in your area after you obtain your LTC-104 Training Certification.Important Information
Handgunlicenseonline.com site is not a government agency nor are we affiliated with any government agency or entity. Handgunlicenseonline.com is an Official State of Texas Online Training Certification for consumers who want to educate themselves in firearm safety and achieve their TEXAS LICENSE TO CARRY PERMIT. We are not affiliated or associated in any way with the State of Texas nor do we guarantee or infer in any way that you will qualify for a License to Carry permit. The certification you receive from Handgunlicenseonline.com is not a license or permit to carry a handgun. To secure a permit it is your sole responsibility to apply to the State of Texas and submit any and all paperwork required along with any fees. It is your responsibility to research and understand your local laws as it relates to handgun ownership and License to Carry. Handgunlicenseonline.com is an aprroved Online Provider for the TEXAS LICENSE TO CARRY PERMIT with the State of Texas through the Texas Department of Public Safety RSD.